
4 Practically Perfect (Free!) Apps

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Although I dearly adore the fun apps like Quiz Up and Snapchat (come on, looking smart and selfies 24/7??), I thought for today, I'd share my top four practical apps that you honest to goodness won't regret downloading.   

1. Watch Over Me

This is not as creepy as it sounds, and it well nigh could save your life.  Watch Over Me is an app that you can use when you're out and about by yourself, whether you're running, walking, or driving to the grocery store.  You set the amount of time you want it to 'watch over you' so that basically, if you aren't home by the time the timer goes off, it knows something has gone wrong and it will immediately send an alert to your emergency contacts.

Not only that, but if you're ever in trouble and don't have the time to dial a number, as long as the app is running in the background, you can shake your phone and a piercing alarm will go off.  Instantly an alert is sent to your emergency contacts letting them know you're in trouble, along with a map of where you're at and video footage of what is happening. 

This app is scary brilliant and I would strongly recommend downloading it.

2. Repost

I mentioned this app in my post on Instagram but it's worth mentioning again.  Ever found a totally drool-worthy picture on Instagram and found that somehow, liking and commenting wasn't enough?  No problemo senorita!  You can find the picture in repost and share it to your friends in a matter of minutes.  

3. White Sleep

I'm weird because I ADORE having some form of white noise in the background when I'm trying to fall asleep.  You know, like a humidifier or a bathroom fan.  Tell me I'm not the only one who loves this!  Y'all, with things like those on I sleep like a baby.  And since our new bathroom doesn't have a fan... Well, you have to make do! 

This could also be helpful if you're trying to concentrate while blogging and you want background noise. 

4. P Tracker

Honestly, ladies, I think we all could hazard a guess to what the 'p' stands for.  This little gem keeps  a calendar for your cycle, lets you document your mood and symptoms every day, and has a really easy-to-navigate lay out that almost makes it all worth it!  Almost.

*cough*  And now that I've totally made all the guys (and maybe even a few gals) uncomfortable.... Welcome to my life!

Any brilliant apps that you love? 
And I'm curious; do you ever pay for apps, or are you stingy like me and only go for the free ones?  o_O 

Chloe Salts is an aspiring writer, pumpkin latte snob, sweater-loving sophomore who is slowly learning, day by day, what it means to fall in love with her Savior.
Give her books and chocolate and she will bake cupcakes for you until Jesus comes to take her home.  True story.
Follow her on 
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  1. I never ever get apps, I hate clutter and don't want useless things on my phone (like games, I do not need game apps on my phone, trust me, I'd never get anything done!), but these all seem super awesome! I should go check them out!

    1. I'm with you!!! I don't want another entertaining game to zap my battery and my time. Snapchat and Instagram are addictive enough as it is:)

  2. *cough* Totally with you on the hoarding all my money thing. SERIOUSLY PEOPLE GET IN DEBT BY LOSING ONE DOLLAR AFTER THE NEXT YANNO. Those all sound amazing :D

    1. They really do, dontcha know??! ;D glad I'm not the only one!

  3. Seriously though...white noise is awesome, and I have to fall asleep to it as well. These are really good app suggestions...I'm gonna have to check some of them out :) Thanks for sharing!
    -Lauren <3

    1. *virtual highfive* Seriously, white noise is legit ^_^

  4. I should go download the second and fourth apps... I always can never figure out how to repost images on Instagram, and when the thing occurs monthly...

    xoxo Morning

  5. Oooo great post! I'm going to check some of those out for sure.

    I'm totally with you - I don't think I've ever paid for an app before. :D

    1. *highfives* yay for cheapness! And wanting to spend our money on more important things (::cough food cough::)

  6. I'm totally downloading all of those! They seem like super useful and I do really need the P Tracker.



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