developing story

The 9x7 Dream: MY NEWEST STORY *okay yah I love it*

Friday, February 28, 2014

You might want to sit down with your hot cocoa, because this will take a bit of time. Hopefully you don't get too freaked out.  >:D

If you follow me on Pinterest, or have been reading my blog for the past month-ish, you'll probably  have noticed me saying things like "look!  I found a picture for this character!" or, "I have a name for this character!" (which is actually no longer true because the name I thought I'd found doesn't fit her which is depressing because it means another few months with a nameless character)
Well, I'm going to try to give you a coherent synopsis of my newest story-The 9x7 Dream- without giving away the ending.  Yes this is going to be very difficult so please bare with me.
Basically, I have a seventeen year old main character who's name is still being processed.  She's an orphan and lives with her uncle and aunt and her cousin, who also happens to be one of her best friends.  Here's her and her cousin:

Cousins:) :)
And then yes, this is her cousin!!! 
I love her already, and she hasn't even been in any of my scenes yet.

My main character (or, as she'll be known for now, MC) is a dream harvester.  The dream harvesters are a secret society that shouldn't exist.  It's illegal.  But they need smart scientists, like my MC, to help them continue to advance.
Before I keep going, I should tell you what dream harvesters are.  Dream harvesters are looking for one particular dream that they think will help cure their "president" (for lack of a better name). If he's cured, then they believe he'll save their world from its slowly dying society and problems.  Now they think they're justified in doing what's illegal.  But there's good reason why dream harvesting is illegal.  When you get harvested, you lose the ability to talk or really communicate at all.   Not only that but you can no longer sleep, and so you begin to die.  
It's terribly real and our MC has always tried to gloss over those things and go on with everything else she loves about being a harvester. 
She LOVES her job.  Too much.  Working with expensive equipment and challenging the laws of science- she loves it, and just tries not to think about the affects her job has on others, although her conscience reminds her at every turn.  Her uncle (who she lives with and looks up to like a father) has told her time and again he thinks she shouldn't be involved, but now that she's in she can't back out.  You see, the harvesting society shouldn't exist.  And if a harvester goes out and starts spreading rumors about it, it would be down with the society.  So once you're in, you can't get out until you die.
That hasn't really bothered our MC until one day someone from her own family gets harvested, and it suddenly gets real.  Not only this but the harvesters used a new form of harvesting that could potentially decrease the time of dying by months at a time, a new technology piece that the MC has never agreed with.  Now she's in a race against time to find an antidote for the harvested before they all die.  She's also realizing that the president isn't who he has claimed to be, and he may not be looking for one dream, but sixty-three.  Questions abound and MC finds herself caught up in  tangle of lies she's spread and terrible truths she will soon have to face. 

You all get brownie points for reading that!!  And if you guessed the relationship between my title and the president needing sixty three dreams, then I'll send you a whole pan of brownies.  :) :)

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  1. Yay, I'm so excited! This story is going to be so fun. Oh, and you owe me a pan of brownies...

    1. You cheaters!! :D I know, I'm REALLY REALLY excited to get to the fun part, also known as, writing the chapters!!!

  2. It sounds even better! A lot more polished then in our brain storm session:) You totally owe me a pan of brownies, but I'll take ice cream too….

    1. Hehehe, I should hope so. You guys are terrible, Avery, you helped me come up with that!! No brownies for you!! :) :)

    2. Although if bringing you brownies means I get to stay and play at your house then I'm in!

  3. You owe me brownies too, Chloe......:)

    1. Hey maybe we could make some fun jazzed up brownies at writing class!!!!!! NUTELLA BROWNIES!! Seeing as how Nutella sounds so good right now.....^_^

  4. Dude, that sounds awesome. That'd be something that would be amazing to read. Good luck!

    1. Thank you!!!! I'm going to need lots of it!! ;))

  5. *hyperventilates* I want to read this /so bad/.


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