
Fall Trips and Pics

Friday, November 08, 2013

Our computer is finally fixed, and I get to go back to boring you all with my blog posts:)  
Our trip to my grandparents, as usual, was wonderful, filled with pumpkins, apple cider, and even dusting off the costumes for something I'll tell you all about in a minute!


Brynley was adamantly against sticking her hands into the pumpkin, as was Layney.

I think their faces portray that:)


While we were there I was able to take walks around their land and witness the true beauty of all their trees and some of my grandma's pretty flowers.  Would you like to see?

Along with pumpkins we had the privilege of using my grandparent's old apple press that they used when my dad was little!  He has memories of putting the apples in, cranking away and drinking cups of fresh apple cider during the fall.  It was so fun to re-live those memories with him and to make new ones as a family.
Isn't it huge?  Brynley barely reached the top with her head!

Cutting up some apples!
Place them in the top.....
Crank 'em up and break them down.....

Keep cranking Layney!!
Once all the apples were cut, they were pressed and the juice from all the apples trickled down into a bowl.
I love this picture, totally captures their personalities.  My grandma, pretending to pose for the picture only to find out that my mom actually took it, while my grandpa is standing in the back with the same goofy smile and laughing at her:) 
All the apple cider we squeezed!
AND because Hannah and Natalie begged, here was the picture I was talking about. 
Please don't judge us!!!  It was not my idea I swear!
It was Halloween night, and my grandparents had the idea that we should all dress up and pretend to come and trick-or-treat at their house.  We were to tell a joke and then and only then would we get candy.  Can you guess?  They videoed the whole thing.
YUP.  Oh well, good memories, I guess.  :) :)
That's all for tonight!  Comment and let me know what you think of our costumes!

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  1. I always loved making apple cider with my family! Our press was just like that. The only part I didn't like was that we always did it outside on a hot day, with bugs around. Something you had to NOT think about when drinking it!

    Such beautiful pictures of those trees! *sigh* I love fall :)

    Fantastic, creative costumes ;)

    Thanks for another fun blog post with a sight into your life, Chloe!!

    1. Isn't it fun?? This has definitely been one of my favorite trips to my grandparents!

      I saw your pretty fall pictures on Facebook. Fall is my favorite time of year for many reasons but being able to take all the beautiful pictures would be one of them!
      You're welcome!! Glad you enjoy them! And aren't the costumes fun?

  2. YOU DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! You posted pictures of you in COSTUME! You seriously JUST made my DAY!!! And you made the costumes out to be waaayyy worse than they really are. You make a very cute Dracula, Chloe! :) (When aren't you cute?) I love the pictures/narration of your time there! You captured all of your family's personalities so well. Total thumbs up on this blog post! (as usual!)

    1. Yesssssss I did!!! And you commented!! :) :)
      A cute Dracula- definitely never been called that before!
      Thanks girly! Have I ever mentioned how much I love your comments?!?

  3. THOSE COSTUMES ROCK! That is hilarious ... share the videos someday, 'k? The pumpkins look so fun (didn't break any knives this time, I hope! :) and I love Brynley's face. That apple cider must've been amazing. I wish we could try that!

    1. The whole process of choosing costumes was pretty hilarious in itself, and then getting to watch ourselves looking goofy and telling stupid jokes later on the video was even better:)
      Yes the apple cider was delicious but it was REALLY SWEET. Next time we're going to add some green apes into the mix to change up the flavor:)

    2. I just have to say, green apes?? hehehe! ;)

    3. Ahahaha oh I missed that!!!!!! Way to make me smile:) :)


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