
A Very Exciting Smorgasmort Of 25 Questions

Friday, January 09, 2015

To finish ringing in the new year, Treskie from Occasional Randomness has gifted me a wonderfully late Christmas present of 25 questions to answer!  Be prepared for an overload of GIFs.


1. What did you do in 2014 that you'd never done before?  SKIING.  Which was beyond brilliant and painful.

2. Did you keep your 2014 New Year's resolutions?
Stop- *gasp*- stop you're making me laugh!  Keep resolutions?  Purely on accident, if any!
3. What countries/states did you visit?  *counts on fingers*  Florida, Colorado, Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska and Missouri.  I have no frame of reference on whether that's a lot or not. 
4. What would you like in 2015 that you lacked in 2014? Gosh I'd like a car. Car= freedom+turning the music up as loud as I wish.
5. What song/album will always remind you of 2014?  I first heard 'Sing Loud' by David Dunn at the worldview camp I went to, and now it's on constant replay on my phone.
6. Did you move anywhere?  Hello, new house!!!!  If you'd told me a month ago I would be living in a new house January 1st I would have laughed in your smug face. 
7. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Um- not killing anyone with my razor sharp wit?
 Posted Image
8. Compared to this time last year, are you?
More motivated and inspired.  

9. Did you suffer an illness or injury? I suffered a volleyball injury to my knee which left a glorious scar!  Since it's winter nobody can see it, but I assure you,

and that

10. What was the best thing you bought?  My phone, hands down.  That could also go under the worst thing I bought as well.
11. Where did most of your money go?
*squints at empty bank account*  Yahhhhh- where DID it go?
12. What did you get really, really, really excited about?  Playing for my Varsity volleyball team.  Like, I was certain my face was going to split from the huge smile I had on after the coach told me.  #truestory
13.  What was the best concert you went to this year?  Lindsey Stirling was the only concert I went to and it was well worth the money I didn't spend.  Oh, yes, that's right, IT WAS FREE. 

14. What do you wish you'd done more of?  There's always the 'what ifs' and 'should haves' but I really really wish I'd written more.  Golly gee you guys, I could be SO MUCH BETTER THEN I AM right now if I'd stuck with a writing schedule and practiced writing fantasy and sci-fi and even historical fiction because at least I'd be writing. 
15. What do you wish you'd done less? I'm going to be truly honest here and say that I wish I hadn't been so quick to judge people I didn't know very well.  There was way too much of this:
and this:
The head knowledge that we're all created in God's image was there, but there were many times that I struggled with living like that, and that is an area I'm planning on working on!
16. What was your greatest music discovery? Since songs are way too limiting, I'd have to go with the artists Pentatonix and Lindsey Stirling, neither of which I'd heard of in 2013. 
17. How did you spend Christmas? Swimming and stuffing my face with cinnamon rolls. 
#food #cute #eating

That's not exactly a cinnamon roll but it's a darling panda eating a radish.  Happy day.
18. Who did you spend the most time on your phone with? I only got my phone a month ago, but in that time it's probably either Jerica from My Blue Striped Umbrella (hi Jeri!) or Gemma from- Gemma from Penn State.  :-)

No, no not JAKE, Gemma!
19. What was the best book you read?  Most likely Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson.  But you knew I was going to say that, didn't you?  ;)
20. Did you fall in love in 2014?
Nope nope nope nope nope :)
At least, not with a human.  I'm slowly (slowly, mind you!) learning that God is so much more fulfilling than any human being, male or female.  In 2014 I fell more in love with God then anything.  Althoughhhhh let's be honest; I still can't get over the fact that I don't have a boyfriend!  I mean,
21. What did you want and not get?  I didn't get my driver's license, which was my own silly fault.   *sigh* Hopefully this spring!
22. What were your favorite films of the year that you saw in the theater? YES!!!  PLURAL!  Finally, an easy question!  The Winter Soldier and Mockingjay are absolutely tied because I loved them both for totally different reasons. 
23. What did you do on your birthday and how old did you turn?  My birthday was spread over a week, with coffee/dinner dates, and visits from family and friends.  Absolutely all around lovely. And as for telling you my age? 

24. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?  A minion.
25. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2014.  I have two!
If you decide not to heed this advice, well.....
 Feel free to join me!  Grab any or all of these questions to answer.  And while you're at it, go follow Treskie.  :D

Chloe Salts is an aspiring writer, pumpkin latte snob, sweater-loving sophomore who is slowly learning, day by day, what it means to fall in love with her Savior.
Give her books and chocolate and she will bake cupcakes for you until Jesus comes to take her home.  True story.
Follow her on 
Bloglovin to hear more of her daily ramblings!


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  1. This was crazy fun to read. :D I love that gif from The Emperor's New Groove. ;)


    1. You and me both, girl! I die at anything with the Emperor's New Groove in it.

  2. HAHhah you're so funny :)) Snape approves :DD

    xx Barbora

    1. Hehe why thank you ^_^ yes I'm quite proud of that gif.

  3. Great post - definitely a fun way to sum up the year. All those gifs - well done. :)

    1. Why shankyou. I think I'm a having a love affair with gifs. O_o

  4. This was great! Haha. As for the lack of writing in 2014--you and me both. Definitely trying to do better on that this year!

    1. Well from all your Instagram posts about writing I'd say you're doing a pretty stellar job with that goal! At least for now....;)) that's always the kicker!


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