the writing life

Dragon's Blood: Narrowing down my characters

Saturday, August 10, 2013

I was reading this super fun post by Mary Frances at The Sweet {Tooth} Life about her main character, and I realized- I still haven't shown you all pictures of my characters!  I've blogged about the story plenty, like when I interviewed Theryn and Sky, but NO PICTURES.

Pictures are everything to me, and finding some for my characters are always hard.  I'm very picky.  Ready to see? 

Theryn Peter
Theryn is sixteen, and has a stubbornness to match his sister's.  He's missing an arm, but doesn't let that stop him from practicing sword fighting, climbing trees, and doing imitations of people to the amusement of his family.

Sky Aster
Sky, a fourteen year old whose patience is as thin as sword blade.  She's stubborn and likes to act tough and brave on the outside, but sometimes it becomes too much and she will melt down.  Doesn't like people who talk a lot, and has a soft spot for her family and climbing trees. 

(Sky as a little girl)
Brenilyn Elizabeth
Bren, a sweet girl of nine, has always had a mysterious past.  Her family thinks she's innocent and naieve and that she has never thought about her past.  But there's much more going on then they would ever imagine.
 And a secret character that you aren't supposed to know about:

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  1. I had forgotten what Theryn looked like! One, I love the creativity of the name and two, his picture fits him so well. I CANNOT wait to find out about Calla! *hint, hint* TELL:)

    1. He DOES look like a Theryn, doesn't he? :) he's one of my favorite characters.
      Now what's the use of a secret if I tell it to you?

  2. Ohhhh, its inviting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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