
Everything else grows dim

Friday, May 03, 2013

Lately, God has really been impressing on my heart that I need to trust Him.  Is it a coincidence that the first verse I think of when I'm worried or having trouble is Proverbs 3:5-6?

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.  In all of your
ways, acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight!

I've come to realize that being in a relationship with God is NOT at ALL about how you feel.  For some reason I thought that oh, I feel like God is near right now and I'm at peace.  And then other times I would feel like he was "slipping away" and not there.  But my mom and I were talking and she pointed out that a relationship had to be built on trust. 
You can't see God, you can't talk to Him and hear an actual voice respond, you can't send him an email and except him to respond.  You have to trust like he is there.
BECAUSE HE IS!  He is here, with you, right now as you're reading this blog post.  He is here holding your right hand.  He knows everything about you and sees everything you do.

I've come to realize that you can't trust in how you're feeling about Him.  You have to trust in His promises to you through his word, and know that He is here!  It isn't a feeling, or a passing emotion, but a truth and a promise: I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU OR FORSAKE YOU. 
He's shouting it to the roof tops that he won't ever leave your side!!  In your day to day basis he's always there, strengthening you and gently correcting little things by sending heart messages.  "Chloe, should you have said it quite that way?  yes they may be driving you to the limits/insane/nuts/crazy.  I've heard all of those before.:) But maybe... next time say it in a way that shows my love."

This song by Francesca Battestelli is SUCH a great reminder and I've come to love it!  When you focus on Your Savior, trusting completely in him and gripping his hand tightly along the walk of life, everything else will go strangely dim in comparison:)

And now I"ll let C.S Lewis close it all up with a summarization of what I was trying to communicate through this whole post:)

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  1. Her song is one if the best new ones out there! When she says "I don't know what tomorrow may hold" it's such an awesome reminder that He does! I also like how you pointed out Ge isn't a passing emotion- I think our culture often confuses love with that as well. Great remonder and post! Moms are SO good for helping organize thoughts about our world!

    1. Isn't it? I've been listening to the song lot, just for the amazing reminders and truth. :) And I know, love is so often mistaken for just an emotion when it's really much more.
      Mom's are so AWESOME that way!

    2. Oh yes! I have been listening to it all the time! I dont know, I dont know, what to-morrow may hold, i dont know, i dont knooooooww. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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