Not to be cliche...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What to blog about....??  God has been placing a lot of things on my heart, and I don't know HOW I could ever post about all or any of them!!  To begin with, well, okay, one of the major components has been relationships.  Not to be cliche, seeing how everyone else been blogging about that too, but it's been something that I've thought about.  Like, A LOT.
Anna Weddle and I were talking about relationships (yes she's awesome, just had to say that, and yes we talked about a lot of things, that was one of the many subjects!!!), and one of the points that she made really stayed with me.  No matter how much money we may give to others, or how much we can bless them with gifts or things like that, the biggest thing that we have in abundance is time. (I'm not in any way trying to copy your blog post, Savanna, but this is something Ive been thinking about as well.  Your post just made me think about it even more!!!)
Ways that I want to give time could mean anything.  Playing with my siblings, taking the time to sit down and email a long and meaningful email to a friend who needs encouragement, instead of getting all my school done PRONTO because I want to have time to do what I want, I could be taking breaks and baking brownies for our elderly neighbors next door!! 
"But I don't have enough time!!"  How many times have we thought it?  I'll confess, I'm guilty.  BUT WE DO.   Time may be short, but what was Jesus doing on his last day on earth?  Washing the disciple's feet.  In other words, he was serving. 
My prayer is that God would give me more opportunities to minister to my friends and my family, and that my eyes would be opened to all the opportunities I already have.


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  1. This is my favorite post of yours yet, Chloe! This really encouraged me, because I have often thought that there is very little I have to offer to other people. But I DO have time... everyone has time, and you are SO right. Giving time can be a blessing to others. You live this out so well, Chloe. It's exciting to see God actively teaching you, and it's even more exciting to see you living it out.

    1. Thanks, girl! I know that that has been a very popular blogging post (time, friendships), and I didnt want to copy, but it has been something on my heart ever since Anna and I talked:)

  2. Definitely something to think about!! This is my problem too!!


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