the blogging life

7 Ways To Make The Most Out Of Instagram

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Because we all need more excuses to use Instagram.  Duh.   

7. Get the repost app.  It's a free app from the App store that allows you to share your favorite pictures from other Instagrammars.  (Is Instagrammars even a word?  .....  Suuurree, why not)

6. Comment it up! Liking a picture and moving on is easy; taking the time to write something thoughtful is so meaningful and will be remembered! 
5. Having trouble finding Instagram accounts you like? Find an Instagrammer you love and stalk their list of people they follow. I've done this countless times and don't feel the slightest bit guilty! 

4. The more people you follow, the bigger likelihood you'll get followed back!  True story.  Many really popular Instagram accounts I've found have a bigger group of people that they're following then actual followers.  You may start out small but you'll increase!! I promise!
3. Make it one of your more personal accounts. Your readers can follow your Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter to get updates on your blog; let Instagram be for fun pictures of your life!

Sadie Jane is great at this.

 2. Take time to write a memorable caption. Captions can be just as fun and cutesey as the actual picture.
 1. And speaking of taking time, respond to comments. It was super sweet of someone to take the time to not just "like" your photo and keep scrolling; they liked it enough to tell you so!! Comment back and tell them THANK YOU. This helps people see you're real and personal and will- what was it? - take time for them. ;-)

Jeann from Happy Indulgence is really good at this

Instagram is the time suck of all the social networks I've found!!!!  It's so easy to get lost in the glorious compost heap of shiny new pictures and pretty filters.  Oh and of course ALL THE HASHTAGS!

Hashtags just got infinitely much cooler.
For you, my fellow Instagrammars!!! 
(we're officially making it a word)
Drop me the link to your page because I absolutely love new accounts to follow. Also I'm curious:  Pinterest or Instagram?

Chloe Salts is an aspiring writer, pumpkin latte snob, sweater-loving sophomore who is slowly learning, day by day, what it means to fall in love with her Savior.
Give her books and chocolate and she will bake cupcakes for you until Jesus comes to take her home.  True story.
Follow her on 
Bloglovin to hear more of her daily ramblings!


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  1. You just gave me a follow, Chloe! I'm peppermint__cat on insta. Thank you for the tips!

    1. By golly I did ^.^
      Thanks, hope they're helpful!

  2. Ugh, i've seriously gotta get Instagram now.... it looks amazing..

  3. Instagram is literally my favourite social media. With my personal, I love stalking ;) And liking and commenting and posting about my life and all that. But it's my blog instagram that I spam with. Haha. But it's a nice spam! And captions are definitely something to think about. So are bios ;)

    The Life of Little Me

    1. IKR??? It's so fun!!
      Yes, yes! Bios are super important too, I had completely forgotten those. O.o

  4. Yay, Instagram! Yeah this is usually what I do with my followers, but I need to think of better captions... Great tips, though!

    xoxo Morning

    1. Captions can often be the hardest for me too!! I just want to focus on the pretty picture! #guilty #ineedhelp

  5. I love this practical posts of yours! Instagram is my favorite. I followed you - your account is lovely!

    1. IKR? Instagram is so fun!! (And such a time suck)
      Well shankyou, girly. ^.^ so fun to see your pretty Instagram photos!

  6. I'm new on Instagram; my account is about 4 days old, so this was really helpful :) (elna.glitter)

    1. *squeaks* you have an Instagram? See ya later peeps, you know where to find me!

  7. lovely post! i've started using instagram a lot more recently and am enjoying watching it grow a little every day :)

    from helen at

    ps. there's a £60 skincare giveaway on my blog if you fancy it, click here!

    1. Isn't it so rewarding? I beam every time I get a new follow.

  8. Girllllllllll you're on instagram?!
    I followed you. haha. I'm @geek4God
    I love this post:) and you're so right about all of these. I approve of your life choices!

    1. And I approve of yours! Instagram= life! (okay not really but pretty close, you've gotta admit)

  9. Insta is the bomb! (P.S. I noticed you reposted from little.birdie in that one picture. I actually sort of know her personally, she went to camp with my sister and they're friends. Haha small world! :)

  10. I'm fairly new to Instagram - I started using it regularly last summer. I love it, and these tips encourage me to improve my usage.

    Oh and Pinterest or Instagram? Don't be so cruel!


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