
{Randomness from the life of me}

Saturday, February 09, 2013

I'm very random.  Y'all know that, so really, I shouldn't be explaining why I'm doing a random post.  Seriously, for those of you who haven't noticed, I'm SUPER random! And weird, but we won't go into that today.
This post will not have  much specific purpose, but I felt like blogging.  And since blogging is telling other people about what's been going on with life...Well, hence the post. :)

Lately I've been messing a lot with different hairstyles that I like on myself.  Pony tails are really esay to fall back on, and work great for when I"m at home all day.  but I've been enjoying buns and braids kind of things!  My sweet mom was very willing to take pictures of my latest hairstyle, and I wanted to show it to y'all.  Just please don't ask me to copy it some other time.  Because honestly, it'll be impossible!

(Do you like my awesomely neon bobby pins?!?!!?)

Next random topic.... (moving along, nothing to see here!) :) Lately I've been thinking a lot about what I enjoy doing, future carreers, and college.  Writing is my love, baking is just FUN, hair styling and makeup are also things that I enjoy.  But maybe these aren't what God has for me!  Yes, I couldn't imagine life without me writing or reading something or other, but I don't know.  Anna weddle was lead on a completely different path then she ever thought, with her desire to wanting to be a missionary, turning into studing a christian view on physchology!  Now I don't mean to say that she doesn't want to be a missionary anymore.  Quite the contrary.  She still thinks God is calling her to it, but not right now.  Which made me wonder.........
I know a lot of you have a very solid idea of what you want to do when you grow up.  I know lots of you aren't sure.  And honestly, I know that I don't have to worry about it now.  but it's fun to dream, and who knows?  God has great plans for all of us, we just have to be patient and wait for them. 

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  1. "Very solid idea of I want to do when I grow up"? HA! No way... But I do have a few ideas. I'd love to talk sometime! ;)

    1. That'd be fun! I think I can guess what your ideas are!

  2. Guys, I am gonna have to leave this conversation...Don't want to even think about college! AHHHH

    1. What are you going to do when you graduate then!?!

  3. Well, I know what I would love to do, but if it is what God wants me to do, well thats a different story!

    1. his plans are always the best, even though we may not always agree with them. I'm finding that out!

  4. I love your randomness! :) I know what I WANT to do, but I need to pray about it... I think your way of praying and then deciding is even better.

    1. Yes...I understand. I have ideas but no decisions. It's fun to think about it, though:)


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